Friends of the Library
About Friends of the Library Book Donations:
Donations of gently used books and A/V materials are important to The Friends of the Library used book sale. All proceeds from our used book sales go toward funding Mason County District Library’s children’s programming.
Please note we are unable to accept the following items:
- Encyclopedias or dictionaries
- Old magazines
- Reader’s Digest books
- Bibles
- Medical and financial containing outdated information (generally more than 10 years old)
- Textbooks
- VHS and cassette tapes
- Any books that are in poor condition / damaged (stained, marked up, falling apart, waterlogged or have an unpleasant odor)
Who the Friends of the Library Are
The Friends of the Mason County District Library was organized in 1977 by interested citizens who wished to create public interest in the Ludington Public Library, and to promote increased public support for the necessary development of the library so that it may adequately serve the needs of the local population.
As with other public institutions, the library is supported by public funds administered by a library board appointed by city and county commissioners. The Friends do not try to run the library. They do help the staff realize some of their ambitions sooner than would be possible if only public funds were available.
Contact the Ludington Library at 231.843.8465 to inquire about joining the Friends of the Library.
What We Do
The most important work of The Friends is raising funds which are turned over to the library for various uses. The Friends have provided funds for new books and videos, bookshelves, book carts, storage cabinets, paperback racks, and new furniture in the Reading Area. The Friends offer funds which are used for the library’s many children’s programs, from providing paperback books to give as prizes for the Summer Reading Program, to paying for performers and events such as the summer magic show.
Friends Support Literacy
The Friends administer the volunteer literacy program for adults who wish to improve their skills. Volunteer tutors work one-on-one with adults seeking assistance. Tutors and materials are provided at no charge to the student.
Friends Raise Money
Money is raised through membership dues and contributions. Our Annual Used Book Sale is our best fundraiser. The book sale is usually held in July, outside of the Ludington Library.
Join the Friends
Please make checks payable to Friends of the Ludington Library and mail to:
Mason County District Library
P.O. Box 549
Ludington MI 49431
One Person-$5/Each Couple-$10/Family
or: Contributing-$25/Sustaining-$50